Customized Gift Baskets

Small Gift Boxes

Our hand-sketched boxes contain your choice of 4 Manduva products (100-150gms packet), sweets, incense, diyas, or any extra product of your wish. Our customizable hamper boxes are available to order for a minimum of 50.

Starting from 1000/- + Shipping + GST

Large Gift Boxes

Our hand-sketched boxes contain your choice of 6 Manduva products (200-250gms packet), sweets, incense, diyas, or any extra product of your wish. Our customizable hamper boxes are available to order for a minimum of 50.

Starting from 2500/- + Shipping + GST

Add a personal touch to your gifting experience with our exclusive customizable boxes, available for orders of 50 boxes or more. Craft a unique gift collection that's as special as the sentiment behind it. 

Reach out via WhatsApp for details or to place your order.